Registrations for training courses are open!
Register now!
The courses are only accessible to participants who have paid their registration.
How to register? It's very simple!
1. Go to the following address:
2. Select the English flag at the very bottom of the page. Click on "Edit activities".
3. Enter the ticket number that appears on your SAM entry ticket (the numbers below the QR code).
4. Enter your email address if you registered yourself or the email address of the person who registered you.
5. You will arrive on a page that lists all the training courses you can attend. Choose the ones that interest you.
6. Click on "Validate".
Done! You will receive your updated SAM ticket with your personalised programme.
Here is an overview of training sessions organised by ADA and its partners in the framework of SAM 2021. The training sessions will take place on Monday, Thursday and Friday (the other two days being reserved for the SAM conference).
About 20 training courses during SAM
SAM's objective is to offer a centre of expertise by bringing together skilled professionals in one place over five working days and to minimise the travel requirements for managers of microfinance institutions (MFIs), banks, investment funds, regulators and directors of public institutions. In 2019, more than 700 participants benefited from at least one training session! This free training was provided by ADA and long-standing partners, whose reputation and expertise are well known and recognised. The workshops cover broad themes such as social performance, financial performance, transparency, digital finance, micro-insurance or inclusive and responsible finance. The training sessions and workshops have between 10 and 100 participants, depending on the trainers' wishes, and will be held in English or French to enable each participant to deepen their knowledge and maximise the benefits of this SAM. These training sessions will complement the other SAM events, such as the Investor's Fair, the Innovators' Village or the two-day SAM conference.
Monday, 18 October
3pm - 5m
SSNUP (Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme)
Investor workshop – certifications

By invitation only.
Registration required.
English only, no translation.
9.00am - 3.30pm
Arendt & ADA
Ready for investors ? A journey through the process, decision-making and management of an investment

This session will map the different steps of the journey to obtain financing, from the first meeting with the investor to disbursement. We will discuss the implications and consequences of an equity and/or debt investment with the help of interactive presentations by experienced legal, economic and financial trainers and speakers.
Open to all MFIs participating in SAM.
Registration required.
In English only, without translation.
Contact: Olivia Fechner (
9.00am - 5.00pm
Introduction to inclusive and responsible finance

In this one-day training, SPTF and CERISE will explain what responsible inclusive finance is and why it is relevant for the long-term sustainability of financial service providers (FSPs). More specifically, SPTF and CERISE will outline what management practices are required to ensure responsible and inclusive finance and introduce some of the most important tools and resources that help FSPs to implement those practices. Participants will receive in in-depth introduction to the Universal Standards for Social and Environmental Performance Management and the SPI social audit tool. A brief introduction to the new Environmental Dimension will be provided by the Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group.
Open to all SAM participants.
In French, with translation into English.
Registration not required but recommended.
Contact : Aïda Gueye ( and Snezana Jovic (
9.00am - 5.00pm
HEDERA & Impact-R
Green inclusive finance: understanding and tackling client vulnerabilities. Data collection on energy, WASH, and food security at the household level

Understanding the needs of an institution’s beneficiaries or clients is crucial to developing and upscaling a green inclusive finance program within an organisation. By identifying clients' vulnerabilities regarding energy access, drinking water supply, sanitation & hygiene, as well as food security, institutions can grasp the challenges ahead, uncover markets to develop, and unlock opportunities for a real triple bottom line impact of their work.
The training will give participants an overview of the frameworks for basic needs assessments at the household level, hands-on experience with data collection tools, do's and don'ts in the field, and strategies on how to integrate such processes into institutions' core activities.
Lessons learned and best practices from previous experiences using digital tools will be shared, and insights on how to take result-oriented action will be provided.
Open to directors and credit product department managers in microfinance institutions.
In English, with translation into French.
Registration required.
You can already register online via this link through IMPACT-R website
For further information, please contact: ou
9.00am - 5.00pm
Microfact annual trainers and consultants’ meeting

Microfact's meeting of certified trainers and Microvision consultants will take place during the African Microfinance Week in Kigali, Rwanda. The meeting will outline the adaptation of Microfact's activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting new strategy.
By invitation only.
In English, no translation.
9.30am - 5.00pm
Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation & UNHCR
Financial inclusion for refugees and host communities

At the initiative of the UNHCR and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation a training session is organized to demystify issues related to refugees financial inclusion. This training session has the objectives to inform participants of the reality of refugees needs in financial inclusion in Africa, to underline the role of government policies in facilitating financial inclusion of refugees and to present initiatives in financial inclusion of refugees and host communities in Africa. The morning session will be interactive with speakers from UNHCR, Kiva, Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation, Ugafode and Inkomoko. In the afternoon a field visit in Kigali will give the opportunity to meet and discuss with refugees and host communities entrepreneurs supported by Inkomoko.
Open to all SAM participants.
In English, with translation into French
Registration required.
Contact: Philippe Guichandut (
9.30am - 3.00pm
Digital transformation of MFIs: challenges and prerequisites for a change of MIS, implementing an agent network and digitalising processes

Session 1 | 9.30am - 10.30am
Change of MIS: Changing the core banking system is often a prerequisite for many other projects (reorganisation, extension, digitalisation, etc.) and a challenge for the teams. It is also a step towards greater efficiency and better customer service. This subject therefore needs to be approached with a clear overall vision and a structured methodology.
Session 2 | 11.00am - 12.00am
Agent networks and W2B B2W: An agent network enables the provision of local services to customers. However, its success depends on the actual conditions in the field and on the customers' real needs. This discussion will be an opportunity to take stock.
Session 3 | 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Digitalisation of processes: Although the subject is on everyone's mind, to date there have been few large-scale concrete achievements. For the digitalisation of processes to bring about an organisational revolution in an institution, it is first necessary to analyse its environment and define its needs to be able to deploy tools that will be actually be adopted by staff and will hence enable the institution to work more efficiently.
Open to all SAM participants.
In French, with translation into English.
Registration not required but recommended.
Contact: Catherine Liziard (
9.30am - 5.00pm
Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, ILO & MiN
Microinsurance training

Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are one of the most popular distribution channels for delivering inclusive insurance. They provide insurers with access to a concentration of clients that are clearly interested in financial services. They have an infrastructure footprint with a community presence. Their trust-based relationships with their target market and their experience handling financial transactions and putting controls into place for cash management make them better suited to deliver inclusive insurance products compared to other distribution channels. Unfortunately, many MFIs do not offer insurance products. Of those that do, the majority offers standard credit-life products only, not voluntary products. This training seeks to highlight the experiences of MFIs that have evolved their inclusive insurance products, processes and institutional models to improve the value proposition for clients and their own business viability. Through an analysis of these experiences, it will guide participants to identify actions that can be taken within their own institutions to evolve and improve their insurance offering.
This course targets primarily MFIs that are already acting as a delivery channel for one or more insurance products and are interested in expanding their product offerings. However, it may also be of interest for MFIs who still do not offer inclusive insurance, but want to learn from the experience of MFIs that do. The trainers will be from the ILO, the MIN, and the Foundation Grameen Crédit Agricole.
Open to all participants.
Registration required.
In English, with translation into French.
Contact: Philippe Guichandut (
10.00am - 5.00pm
Reducing operating costs of MFIs across Africa by using modern technology

This training session outlines how to define a complete digital transformation roadmap for MFIs with QWare, a plug-and-play, all-in-one solution that comes equipped with everything you need. QWare is a cloud-based core banking system that eliminates the expenses of on-premise hosting and infrastructure management. It is ready to integrate with APIs and adaptable to a MFI’s current structure, bringing no hidden costs and allowing any institution to grow at its own pace.
Open to all microfinance institutions (MFIs).
Registration required.
English only, no translation.
Contact: Emmanuel Tetteh Odonkor ( / Monica Vasile (
Thursday, 21 October
9.00am - 10.00am
SSNUP (Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme)
Donors event

Registration required.
English only, no translation.
ADA & MAIN (Microfinance African Institution Network)
MAIN Transparency Award 9.00am - 1.00pm

Open only to MAIN members participating in SAM.
Registration required.
In French, with translation into English.
2.30pm - 5.00pm
Banca Etica, Caritas Africa, MAIN & ADA
We stand together

There is no other way out of this difficult time of trial than to do it together.
MAIN, Banca Etica, ADA and Caritas Africa how we can move on a common path to strengthen our support to MFIS.
Our common commitment to microfinance to increase financial inclusion in order to reach an ever greater number of people than in the past.
- Mr. Mohamed Attanda (MAIN)
- Mrs Laura Chiesi (Cresud)
- Mr. Albert Mashika (Caritas Africa)
- Mrs Laura Foschi (Ada)
- Mr. Filippo Vettorato (Banca Etica)
- Mr Gabriele Giuglietti (moderator)
Open only to all SAM participants
Registration required.
In French, with translation into English.
Friday, 22 October
8.30am - 2.00pm
MAIN (Microfinance African Institution Network)
General Assembly

Open only to MAIN members participating in SAM.
Registration required.
In French, with translation into English.
9.00am - 3.00pm
Scale 2 Save & WSBI
Sharing agent banking infrastructure: challenges and opportunities

In this session, we will discuss options and mechanisms that financial institutions need to consider and address when negotiating technical, strategic and operational components of a bilateral or multilaterally shared agent banking infrastructure, with the help of real-life case studies.
Open to all SAM participants, essentially to middle managers and operational managers of financial services providers FSPs as well as donors.
Registration required.
In English, with translation into French.
9.00am - 5.00pm
Client outcomes, responsible digital finance and green microfinance

This is a specialized training on frontier areas of social performance management. ln this one-day training, SPTF and CERISE will provide an overview of the revised Universal Standards for Social Performance Management and then dive deeply into certain frontier areas:
a) what client outcome data is realistic and useful to collect and how to analyse it;
b) risks and opportunities for responsible digital finance clients
c) responsible environmental performance management.
(dimension developed in collaboration with the Green Inclusive & Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF-AG))
This session will be led by Natalia Realpe Carrillo (HEDERA, IASS) and Davide Forcella (YAPU, CERMi), and directors of the GICSF-AG.
Open to all SAM participants.
In English, with translation into French.
Registration not required but recommended.
Contact: Snezana Jovic (
10.00am - 12.00pm
Presentation of a tool for making financial and social projections for MFIs

Take control of your MFI's future. Discover Microvision, a free and easy-to-use tool for making financial and social projections of a 5-year business plan for your MFI. This workshop will familiarise you with different features of the Microvision tool: entering historical data, making strategic assumptions, developing scenarios and finally letting your figures talk!
Open to all SAM participants.
Registration required.
English only, no translation.
2.00pm - 4.00pm
Démonstration de l’outil pour faire des projections financières et sociales pour les IMF

Open to all SAM participants.
Registration required.
In French only, no translation.
More information on the French training sessions page.