Sectoral support
Strengthening the inclusive finance sector

ADA strengthens the inclusive finance sector and supports national financial inclusion strategies in the priority countries of the Luxembourg Cooperation.
In these countries, ADA supports institutions such as ministries, public funds and central banks to promote transparency, accountability and client protection.
Strengthening the inclusive finance sector
ADA contributes to strengthening the inclusive finance sector by getting involved in various bilateral cooperation programmes between Luxembourg and the country concerned, which offer ADA an institutional framework for providing support. In 2023, ADA helped formulate projects to support the sector and develop inclusive finance services contributing to Luxembourg Cooperation programmes in nine countries, usually in collaboration with LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Agency.
ADA drafted one of the four components of the project to support the Kigali International Finance Center (KIFC), which will be implemented by LuxDev. This component aims to support SMEs by strengthening their capabilities and developing appropriate and innovative financial services, in particular by drawing on the Young Entrepreneurs Sustainable Financing Initiative (YES-FI). ADA also helped formulate a project funded by the Luxembourg Cooperation and the European Union aimed at strengthening aquaculture and horticultural value chains. ADA created mechanisms to facilitate access to finance for actors in these value chains to help them develop their activities.
ADA drafted the Inclusive and Innovative Finance programme with LuxDev, which provides support for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance, two public funds, the regulator and MFIs. Together, they will digitalise agricultural value chains and encourage smallholder farmers to adopt practices that help them build up resilience to climate change.
ADA contributed to a LuxDev project for the socio-professional integration of young people, which provided funding for 859 young people in 2023.
ADA and the microfinance association LMFA (Lao Microfinance Association) supported a LuxDev programme to create and consolidate village banks, local microfinance structures that offer rural populations access to credit without collateral. The aim is to make these banks viable by integrating them into MFIs or consolidating them under a parent bank that is approved and supervised by the Central Bank of Laos.
Support for national financial inclusion strategies
ADA supports national institutions in implementing their national financial inclusion strategy, in particular by improving supervision of the sector, setting up refinancing mechanisms for MFIs and providing financial education for the public:
ADA continued to support financial education activities for the public. A series of educational films were produced for broadcast on a private television channel. ADA also helped MFIs to design and implement an insurance product, which is due to be marketed on a pilot basis in 2024.
Cabo Verde
ADA focused on refinancing MFIs, protecting clients and digitalising transactions. ADA notably helped the central bank to improve its reporting tools for supervising MFIs and has enabled most MFIs to digitalise their operations, in particular to submit their reports to the supervisory authorities or to generate the information requested by the credit risk center.
In 2023, the security situation in the Sahel region deteriorated, impacting ADA’s operations in three countries:
The military coup in July led Luxembourg to suspend its cooperation with the country, interrupting the implementation of a project to support the development of inclusive finance.
The capital Bamako was classified a red zone, forcing ADA to suspend its monitoring of the project to support financing mechanisms for the agricultural sector supported by LuxDev.
Burkina Faso
ADA helped draft a young people and green jobs project to support the development of financial and non-financial products that encourage green entrepreneurship and generate jobs for young people, particularly in the sustainable agriculture and construction sectors, as well as in renewable energies. Its planned launch in 2024 was put off following the deterioration of security conditions and the decision by Luxembourg’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs to suspend its cooperation with Burkina Faso in view of the country’s political situation.
Key figures 2023
countries (Cabo Verde, Tunisia, Niger) in which ADA supported national institutions in the implementation of national financial inclusion strategies, in particular for: setting up refinancing mechanisms for MFIs, improving the supervision of the microfinance sector, providing financial education to the public.
women received financial education in Tunisia
Contribution to the SDG

17.9 — Support for national plans in developing countries
ADA promotes the creation of favourable conditions for financial inclusion by working with all actors in the inclusive finance sector at macro, meso and micro levels.

27 November 2024
ADA promotes the development of inclusive finance in Tunisia
ADA has completed a three-year project to promote financial inclusion in Tunisia.
22 August 2024
Lessons learnt from promoting sustainable and responsible finance in Cambodia
To conclude the partnership with CMA, ADA summarised its impact on the development of the Cambodian microfinance sector as well as lessons learnt from 2008 to 2022 in a comprehensive document.
06 Avril 2023
Deteriorating liquidity and funding conditions for microfinance institutions in Myanmar
A survey of the microfinance sector in Myanmar shines a light on the current difficult operating environment and makes recommendations for policymakers, microfinance institutions (MFIs) and international investors on how to address the challenges.
08 March 2023
ADA supports the financial inclusion of the rural population in Laos
In Laos, ADA promotes financial inclusion for low-income populations through the consolidation and professionalisation of the country's inclusive finance sector.
24 February 2023
The 4th Indicative Cooperation Programme between Niger and Luxembourg is now underway
Indicative Cooperation Programme for 2022–2026 between Luxembourg and Niger was launched in Niamey on 3 February.
30 January 2023
ADA promotes financial inclusion in Benin through financial education
ADA provided training on the basics of inclusive finance and monitored the pilot project with the Ministry until the project drew to a close at the end of 2022.