Young people and green jobs

The ‘Young People and Green Jobs’ programme aims to facilitate the socio-professional integration of young people by supporting companies that offer products or services with a positive environmental impact or wish to reduce the ecological footprint of their operations.
According to the United Nations, one in five young people is unemployed and lacks training or education. This means they are not acquiring work experience, earning an income, nor learning new skills. In this context, the transition to a greener economy can offer opportunities for professional integration, provided that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) wishing to embark on this path can emerge, prosper and offer employment or self-employment opportunities to young people.
The ‘Young People and Green Jobs’ programme aims to facilitate the socio-professional integration of young people by strengthening MSMEs that offer green products or services and/or want to reduce their environmental impact. This includes companies selling agro-ecological products or recycling services but also those simply wishing to reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy.
In concrete terms, ADA will provide technical assistance and entrepreneurial coaching to the MSMEs so that they can employ young people and establish solid partnerships with young, self-employed suppliers, distributors, deliverers, etc. In close collaboration with the MSMEs concerned, the programme will also support these young, self-employed service providers in developing their professional skills and in accessing financial services.
ADA has put in place test projects in Senegal and Burkina Faso to identify and understand the needs of young people and MSMEs.