- Organiser
- ADA - Support
- The Government of Rwanda
- Luxembourg Development Cooperation - Co-organisers

ADA (Appui au Développement Autonome)
For 25 years, ADA has been committed to developing microfinance services for populations excluded from traditional banking channels. It strengthens the autonomy and capacity of microfinance institutions (MFIs), professional associations and networks. It also provides support to governments to sustain and structure the microfinance sector at the regional or national level. To this end, the NGO offers and develops specific microfinance products, training and education for microfinance professionals working in and for the Southern hemisphere. In addition, it advises and supports MFIs in their search for funds. ADA also carries out research to anticipate the future needs of the microfinance sector and to measure the social impact of its actions. Its flexibility allows it to adapt each project according to the needs of its partners and the realities of the field.
ADA is financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and benefits from the High Patronage of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.
Further information: www.ada-microfinance.org
With the support of
The Government of Rwanda
Description coming soon.
Further information: www.gov.rw/

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg -
Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs
Luxembourg Development Cooperation is a branch of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg. It is firmly committed to ending poverty by focusing on well-defined social sectors, including those related to microfinance, inclusive finance, and the agricultural sector. Luxembourg Development Cooperation is the lead donor of SSNUP and is an example of how Luxembourg supports innovative initiatives to achieve its objectives.
Further information: cooperation.gouvernement.lu/fr

MAIN (Microfinance African Institution Network)
The MAIN network is an international, non-profit association created in 1995 in Abidjan upon the initiative of several institutions with a long experience in microfinance and/or the promotion of microenterprises in Africa. The MAIN network's mission is to contribute to the strengthening of the economic and social role of African Microfinance Institutions by setting up an African programme to promote microfinance in the continent's development process.
MAIN currently has 114 member MFIs in 29 countries in Africa and Europe. MAIN brings together MFIs, national networks, NGOs working in microfinance, cooperatives, banks, and "resource" organisations (universities, social investors).
Further information: www.mainnetwork.org

AFRACA (African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association)
AFRACA is a regional association of Sub-Saharan financial and non-financial institutions involved in promoting rural and agricultural finance. AFRACA was established in 1977 alongside similar institutions across the globe as a lead advocate and coordinator of rural and agricultural finance in their respective regions. The AFRACA secretariat is based in Nairobi, Kenya, where it was registered under the NGOs Coordination act in 1981 and received diplomatic status from the government of Kenya in 2003.
Further information: http://afraca.org/

AMIR (Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda)
AMIR is the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda. It was created in 2007 with 32 founding members and currently has 448 members:
• 406 COOPECs (Umurenge SACCOs)
• 22 COOPECs (Non-Umurenge SACCOs)
• 16 MFI Limited Companies
• 3 microfinance banks
AMIR's members represent more than 98% of the microfinance sector in Rwanda, which the association supports in advocacy, capacity building, information exchange and the promotion of responsible finance.
AMIR's mission is to provide diversified services to microfinance institutions to enable them to work professionally and contribute to poverty reduction in a sustainable manner.
AMIR's vision is to contribute to the development of the microfinance industry through the promotion of transparent management systems in MFIs, innovative and market-led financial services and products.
AMIR's core principles are professionalism, transparency, unity and integrity.
Further information: www.amir.org.rw/