Publication of the SSNUP annual report 2023

05 August 2024

The  programme’s latest annual report gives an overview of the projects and highlights some key programme results. In 2023, a record number of 34 projects were approved in favour of 122 beneficiary organisations which include agri-SMEs, financial institutions and cooperatives. This is compared to 26 projects in 2022 and 14 projects in 2021. At the end of 2023, a total of 75 projects have been approved for 183 beneficiary organisations. 

Almost 174,000 smallholder households were reached via SSNUP projects last year. The benefits ranged from access to financial products, such as insurance, to supporting the smallholders in obtaining certifications for their produce so that they can increase their revenue and access new markets. 

The programme stakeholders are continually increasing their capacity thanks to knowledge-sharing workshops, project results and perception surveys of farmers. This knowledge is shared on panels at expert events and via publications. 2023 saw the publication of the first thematic study on technical assistance provided by impact investors in agricultural value chain actors.