Round table on the role of public finance in supporting the environmental transition of the private sector
Round table on the role of public finance in supporting the environmental transition of the private sector
Other publications

Organised as part of African Microfinance Week (SAM 2023)

Through its intervention programmes, ADA supports, advises and provides technical support to various partners - in particular microfinance institutions (MFIs) but also institutional partners - in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In Africa, ADA is involved in a number of projects including:

  • Or it supports existing mechanisms for refinancing MFIs (for example, the FDIF, FISAN and FONAP in Niger, and soon the FNM and FNDA in Benin);
  • Or it advises its institutional partners (in particular the Ministries of Finance in Cabo Verde and Tunisia) on setting up MFI refinancing arrangements.

Against this backdrop, in 2023 ADA commissioned HORUS Development Finance to carry out a study on public mechanisms for refinancing microfinance institutions. The objective of this study was to strengthen ADA's support and advisory capacities towards stakeholders involved in the implementation or development of public schemes aimed at refinancing inclusive finance institutions, and in particular MFIs. In June 2023, the study was presented remotely by HORUS to ADA and the 13 funds that were the subject of in-depth case studies.

To promote this study, ADA organised a round table during African Microfinance Week, which took place in Lomé (Togo) from 16 to 20 October 2023. The aim of the round table was to initiate a dialogue between four funds (FNDA in Benin, FONAFI in Burkina Faso, FPM SA in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Rwanda Green Fund) on the role of their financing in supporting the environmental transition of the private sector. HORUS Development Finance was asked to moderate the round table.

Round table on the role of public finance in supporting the environmental transition of the private sector