Voices from the ground : Central America and Caribbean - Focus on El Salvador
23 April 2020
Covid-19 crisis

New video and new area in the LMDF interview series.
LMDF presents a series of interviews on the impact of COVID-19 in countries where ADA and LMDF operate. The pandemic has certainly changed the way we live here in Luxembourg, but what happens in countries where the poverty rate is higher and the informal economy dominates? This series of interviews looks at how micro-entrepreneurs are coping with this changing world.
Focus on the situation in El Salvador and the Dominican Republic with Ms Mercedes Canalda de Beras-Goico, President of REDCAMIF and Mr Gustavo Siman, President of Óptima Servicios Financieros.
Watch the video below:
Join Zoom on Thursday 30 April at 11am (CET) for the debate on Central Asia between :
- Ms Farida Abdulhafizova, Regional Manager for Central Asia for MF Rating
- Mr Denis Khomyakov, CEO of OXUS Microfinance Company
- Mr. Joachim Jaeckle, CEO of Furuz LLC.