
This guide aims to share the experience accumulated by FAO and ADA from 2017 to 2021 during the implementation of the programme. It is intended for donors, development organizations, FSPs and other private or public stakeholders wishing to bring about a lasting improvement in smallholder farmers’ access to funding in agricultural value chains.
Other publications
ADA, the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation and Inpulse release a report summarising the results from a joint survey initiative conducted among their partner MFIs during the crisis. Learn more about the operational constraints, financial impacts and prospects for the future in this study conducted among our partner institutions.
Other publications
ADA is publishing a summary of the surveys conducted among the clients of its partner MFIs and networks and the measures taken as a result to better meet their needs.
Other publications
Water and Sanitation
Lessons learnt
ADA (Appui au Développement Autonome)
Corporate documents
ADA’s experience in promoting “green” uses and practices among its microfinance customers.
Lessons learnt
The Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme (SSNUP) is a 10-year programme which aims to strengthen the safety nets of 10 million smallholder households in Africa, Latin America and Asia through technical assistance and investment in agricultural value chains, resulting in an improved well-being of 50 million low-income people. Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Luxembourg Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, the SSNUP works as a facility to co-finance the technical assistance projects of impact investors active in the field. ADA ensures the coordination as well as the knowledge management component of the whole programme.
Project documents
Enabling Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) migrant workers to access insurance products to protect the income and living condition of their family members back home, through an innovative technology solution linked to remittances.
Lessons learnt
Sector Study N°5 - Impact of Covid-19 on Microfinance Clients in Central America and the Caribbean
Publications of our partners
ADA, Inpulse and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation have collaborated to monitor and analyse the effects of the Covid-19 crisis for their partner microfinance institutions worldwide. Ce suivi a été réalisé périodiquement tout au long de l'année 2020 afin d’avoir une meilleure vision de l'évolution de la situation. Avec cette analyse régulière et approfondie, nous espérons contribuer, à notre niveau, à la construction de stratégies et de solutions adaptées aux besoins de nos partenaires, ainsi qu'à la diffusion et à l'échange d'informations entre les différents acteurs du secteur.
Other publications
Many regulators have been tempted to cap the lending rates of microfinance institutions, that is, to limit the rates charged to poor and financially excluded clients through microcredit.
Regulation is now considered as essential to bring microfinance institutions to formalization and to protect clients. Yet, most studies investigating regulatory issues focus on formal regulation, namely laws, or on the way other forces, just like competition, influence the market. This note presents the key findings of a research exploring a third regulatory mode: industry self-regulation and the role played by professional associations. Through a case study based on the Tanzanian microfinance association, this research draws conclusions on factors that may favor or restrain the potential of such organizations to contribute to the general regulatory framework.
Interest rate restrictions have often been set in financial inclusion schemes. Yet, such regulations may present drawbacks affecting both microfinance institutions and their clients.
Financial support from the JP Morgan Chase Foundation enabled the European Microfinance Network (EMN) and Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA) to lead a joint research project to help improve the financial health of micro-entrepreneurs. The purpose of the research was to: (1) understand the financial health issues faced by micro-entrepreneurs, particularly those supported by organisations providing either technical assistance/business development services, referred to as non-financial service providers-NFSP) or (micro)finance services, called financial service providers (FSP), and (2) develop an operational guide for the staff of FSPs and NFSPs in assessing the financial health of micro-entrepreneurs and supporting micro-entrepreneurs in dealing with financial issues that affect both the financial performance of their enterprises and personal well-being.
The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management - Implementation Guide
Publications of our partners